Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Australian Love!

Hello Everybody!

I'm finally back...for now! I've been busy working hard, studying hard, and reading hard. Unfortunately that meant my blog had to take a back seat. But I accidentally set my alarm for 7 instead of 7:30 this morning so I had a half hour to myself to blog! Now you might be saying, well why don't you wake up EVERY day a 1/2 hour early and blog. Well, my friends, that is a good idea in theory. But I don't get nearly as much sleep as is and don't need to take much more away! So I decided that I will just blog whenever I have time from now on. On the bright side, I have a stockpile of postcards just waiting to be discussed and I will share one of them now!

This card comes from T. in Australia! The text on the back says:

Love is friendship, set on fire!

Thank you T.! I really enjoy that idea of love! Thank you for sharing!

That's all I have for today folks, feel free to add your own comments below, I love looking at them!! I would write some more but I am going to be late for Child Development lecture. I'll blog again soon!

Have an awesome rest of September!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Busy Busy Busy!

Hey Everybody!

I hope you're all having a great week! I'm sorry I couldn't post sooner, school has been so hectic! Forgive me if the posts are sporadically strewn throughout the week for the next month or so, I'm trying to settle into a new schedule. But I'm really enjoying my classes and all of the extra-curriculars I'm doing and such! And just seeing all my friends again is great!

But to the point before another paper/reading assignment/presentation comes up! This fantastic postcard comes from Vietnam! I thought it was extra special just because it was from Vietnam, especially since Vietnam isn't very prominent on postcrossing! I feel like I used Vietnam way too much in this paragraph...ANYWAYS. This is what the text says about love:

Love means giving and sharing to me. Love comes in many shapes and forms and it really exists! I hope you'll have lots of love coming from all over the world!! :)

Thank you C.! I'm glad you think that love exists! Some people don't and that is just so sad to me. I also love that you include the idea of giving and sharing, that is just such an important aspect of love. It is an often overlooked aspect of love.

Thank you so much again! I hope everyone has a great weekend! Feel free to share your favorite community service activity in the comments! Showing love for my fellow humans through service is one of my favorite activities, next to snuggling of course!

Love and Hugs!

Monday, September 13, 2010


Hey everyone!

I just wanted to let you know that I am having a very busy Monday but I promise that I will upload a postcard very soon (tomorrow or Wednesday). I hope you all forgive me!

You will hear from me soon!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Love From Finland

Hello everybody!

I hope your weeks/weekends were all good! I had a great holiday weekend, made even better by the cooling off of New England! For a few days there, I was going outside in the 90+ degree heat for relief. But now it is much cooler and my roommates and I can sleep comfortably! Because I have to wake up VERY early tomorrow for classes and have spent the day studying therefore did not have time for blogging (although it is still Monday my friends!) I am going to jump right into the postcard!

This adorable card comes from S. in Finland! The text reads as follows:

For me, love is not an emotion but a way to behave. I can show love though I don't feel loving feelings at the moment. Love is recognizing that we are all brothers and sisters and that harming one of us will affect us all.

Thank you S. for your words of wisdom! This is what I've been preaching the last couple of weeks and your words sum it up fantastically! This week, why don't we all try to show some love, to ourselves, to our families and friends, to strangers, and to mother nature. That means no insults (even lovingly), no littering, and please, hold the door for that mother carrying three children, two diaper bags and a latte (although I know you all already would!)! Feel free to post all of your good deeds if you'd like praise for them, or keep them to yourselves and cherish the happiness that comes with helping others in private.

I can't wait to hear from you all! Have a great week and I hope you had a great Labor Day Weekend those of you in the US!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Happy Monday!

Hello everyone!

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend! I certainly did, although it was a bit warm out (if 90 can be considered "a bit warm"). I am all settled in up in Boston, I love my view from my room! My desk overlooks the street and I can easily people watch on those walking below. I feel very artsy/college-y/intelligent for some reason, perhaps it has to do with my 19 (!!!) school books perched above my desk or my many postcards posted on the bulletin board underneath the books. Perhaps worldy is the word I am looking for.

Anyways, I know you're not all here to read my gibber jabber all day long. This postcard comes from V. in Russia. The text reads as follows:

For me, love is: when there are not limits, when there is no doubt, when there is no prohibition. Only respect, and what makes you happy! In Russia, there is a saying: love of evil-will love goat (haha). It means that love is blind.

Thank you so much V. for your postcard! I love the Russian saying :) I wish more people would consider love as blind. Love should be blind, blind to race, gender, social class, nationality.

I'm going to leave you all with that for today. Feel free to comment with your favorite saying or quote about love, or anything else you feel is relevant!

Have an awesome week!

Monday, August 23, 2010

It is Actually Monday Today!

Hello Everybody!

I hope you are all proud of me. It's Monday and I am writing to you! I know, impressive. Especially more so since I am in the midst of packing to leave for school on Wednesday! I hope everyone is well and I hope you will start telling your friends about this blog! I'm running low on postcards everyone!

Anyways, since I AM supposed to be packing, I'm going to keep this relatively short. This postcard comes from P. in Taiwan. The text reads as follows:

Love has no fixed meaning, but to me, you smile when you think of someone you love; you cry when someone does something that touches your heart; you can break down in front of him/her/them because you trust him/her/them.

Thank you so much P.! I especially like this idea because sometimes we forget about the love that we can spread just by doing something kind for someone else. The love you feel when someone does something that touches your heart is very important. I think that is what most of the world's love is comprised of, that sort of love for the entire human race.

Your homework for the week (Come on, September is rapidly approaching so you're all getting homework): do something that will touch someone's heart this week. Pretty pretty please. And if you'd like, post your good deed in the comments section. Something that would touch my heart, following me on twitter :)

That's it for today folks! I will see you all next Monday (procrastination willing)!


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It's Wednesday...Haha

Hello everybody!

I know I know...it's Wednesday. Time has once again gotten away from me. I was extremely stressed out/upset this weekend/until yesterday because my boyfriend went to The Gathering of the Juggalos (probably didn't spell that write but I don't want to google it and be reminded of all of the illegal activities that go on there) and got a tattoo and didn't talk to me all weekend...not a real excuse but that's mine anyways. But he is home now, we have sufficiently talked about it, I am no longer ready to kill him and all is well in the world of Jill. I hope everything is good in the world of all of you also! Tell me about your weekend/beginning of your weeks!

Now, before I unveil today's postcard, I would also like to inform you all that you can now follow me on Twitter! I'm not really sure how Twitter works...I know I know...I probably should seeing as I am a child of the technological age blah blah blah. But regardless, leave me plenty of your twitter tips please and thank you! Oh and my screen name or whatever it is called is Postcard Lovin. Like the e-mail address. So just head on over and follow me! Also follow me on here! Ok...that's enough demands for one day.

Now, the moment we've all been waiting for...the postcard. This gorgeous postcard is from K. in The Netherlands! The text on the back reads as follows:
Love is like a wave, it can catch you by surprise and totally sweep you off your feet!

Some of the best kinds of love sweep you totally off your feet! And if I've learned anything lately, love can definitely catch you by surprise. Thanks again K.!

Please feel free to share your thoughts or experiences about love catching you by surprise, or a time when you were totally swept off your feet by Prince (or Princess) Charming. Really...please. I love comments. And I almost never get them!

Until hopefully Monday but I am no longer making any promises!

Friday, August 13, 2010

It's Friday!

Hello Everybody!

I know what you're all thinking: Jill it is Friday. You said all posts were coming on Monday's from now on. You suck and you're terrible at keeping a schedule.

Go ahead and think all of that for a moment, be mad, it's ok. Now, my excuse: I'm sorry everyone! I was on vacation and didn't have access to my postcards for a whole week! I have finally unpacked and am ready to go now!

That's really what happened! I didn't forget about all of you don't worry! And I didn't post that I would be gone because my address is floating around on here...I don't need anyone robbing my house! Anyways, for those of you who have forgiven me and are wondering how my trip was, it was awesome! I went to Walt Disney World (my favorite place EVER) and so of course I had fun! Of course it was exhausting and overstimulating but that's ok.

Anyways, enough with my rambling! It is now time for the postcard! This one comes from C. in France! The text reads as follows:
Love is what drives me, what inspires me. My boyfriend says: to him, love is me :)

Thank you C., and your boyfriend too! It seems like you are very lucky to have him, he has his head on straight! Of course he is probably far luckier to have you, seeing as you sent such an adorable card! As for your words, I wish love would drive more people in the world!

I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend and I am going to try my hardest not to go on vacation again Monday!

Thanks again C.!

Monday, August 2, 2010

It's Monday!

Hello Everyone!

Isn't this a great way to finish off a Monday? I knew I chose Monday for a reason. As promised, I am back with some more love, this time from Germany! My week went by smoothly, I went to Boston for a day, ate a lot of Olive Garden pasta, you know...the usual. As generic and lame as Olive Garden is, their food isn't half bad, it's cheap, and I love the breadsticks. So I continue to go back! Who else loves Olive Garden out there? I know you exist, somewhere.

Back to the postcard project! I am pleasantly surprised at the amount of cards coming in, they are steady! Not overwhelming though thank goodness! I already have a card lined up for next week which is great! But now, for the text on the back of this lovely card from F. in Germany!

The text is as follows:
Love means to me:
-that I want to spend my life with this person
-an enrichment for myself
-the most beautiful but simultaneously complicated thing in the world

Thank you F.! I love the flowers on the front of this card! You bring up a good point, the person you plan on spending the rest of your life with needs to bring some sort of enriching aspect to the table! Although I suppose that is why you fall in love in the first place! And as for love being complicated...well I don't think complicated even begins to describe the emotion of love! We can all keep trying though!

I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend and has a great week ahead of them! Did you do anything love filled this weekend? My boyfriend and I went out to breakfast on Sunday morning and then for a walk in the park. That's my idea of a perfect Sunday morning! Please leave a comment or two to let me know someone is actually reading this!

Have an awesome week and thanks again F.!

Monday, July 26, 2010

I Believe in a Thing Called Love

Hello Everyone!

Does anyone recognize the song title? I hope you do. It's by The Darkness and my friends and I drunkenly created a facebook petition demanding that this should be our prom song. We infuriated many however, got no results. It is still the go to jam at all of our parties though. An awesome song with a funny but true message.

Anyways, enough with my pop culture/lame life references. I hope everyone had a lovely weekend. Mine was spent working and going to Yankee Stadium. The Yankees won, although we didn't stay for the whole game due to the fact that we thought it would be rained out. Regardless of the fact that A-Rod did not hit his 600th career home run, it was still a fun day! What did you all do this weekend?

But back to the reason you're all here, the postcard! This card comes from T. in Russia. The text reads as follows:
Love for me is universal and love is everything in our universe. They say that love will save our world! So we have only to teach ourselves to love.

Thank you T. for the postcard! Your words are very beautiful. Love should be our world and our universe. Too many people are fueled by greed and hatred instead of love. If the opposite were true, and more people were fueled by love and happiness instead of greed and hatred, we would live in a much better world and the world would be safer!

Everyone should make their goal for this week to learn how to love better! I hope everyone has a fantastic week!

Thanks again T.,

Friday, July 23, 2010

Love from Holland

Hello everyone!

I'm sorry for my sporadic posting! Life has caught up with me. I suppose it's better than death catching up though. Anyways, that's my lame excuse for not posting all week! In addition, I only have a few postcards to post, which makes it difficult to post a lot as well. But all in all, the project is faring well! Thanks to all my trusty readers, whoever you are! Another important update, I will now be trying to post at least once a week on Mondays. Any extra posts are just icing on the cake. Life is getting especially hectic now that my summer is coming to a close and I have to worry about moving into a dorm again, eating cafeteria food, and changing my mailing address (something that the post office never seems to understand).

Anyways, here is what you're actually here for, the text on the postcard:
Your question about love is a hard one. How do you describe an emotion that can't be put into words? That affects mind, body, and soul? Which can be so wonderful or devastating? Let me know!

Thank you T. for your card! The picture of Amsterdam on the front is very gorgeous. I wish I had an answer to all of your questions! I've been reading about other peoples ideas of love for about a solid month now and I still have no answers myself. Perhaps it's best if we just try to keep our idea of love as a question? But of course us silly humans with our developed brains need answers now, don't we?

That's it for today everyone! I'm off to work! I hope everyone has a great, love filled weekend!


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Isn't This Adorable?

Hello Everyone!

I hope you are all having a great week! My postcard intake seems to be slowing down quite a bit lately! I hope those of you who are reading who have not yet submitted a postcard are going to do so soon!

Not much is new to report here! I successfully went camping and did not get eaten by a bear, which I think is a good thing. I still have a few postcards left to post, also a good thing! I've been trying to space them out so that I don't run out of things to talk about!

Anyways, enough of me babbling, here is the text on the back of this adorable card from H.:
Enjoy this card showing an aspect of love: kisses!

H., thanks so much for the card! Kisses are definitely one of my favorite aspects of love! And I'm not sure how you guessed it, but these types of cards are always my favorites! I just love the idea of marrying your childhood sweetheart. And also, the kids are always so adorable!

Thanks again H.! I have another busy weekend ahead of me so I will try to post either Sunday or Monday when things calm down a bit!

Please e-mail me to send in a postcard! Keep spreading the love everyone!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

German Love

Hello Everybody!

What a busy week I've had! I went to New Jersey and worked and now I am going camping! I can barely find time to blog! But I finally found the time (although I probably should be packing, I leave in less than an hour). I've had this postcard for a few days now, and I'm glad I finally can post it! It's from A. in Germany

The text says:

Love is my reason to get up in the morning. When I see the news on TV in the evening, I don't want to take one step in this world. But the existence of my two boys and husband makes sense for me.

A., thank you so much for this postcard! I completely agree, sometimes it is hard to even consider getting out of bed with all the evil that seems to be filling our world. It is especially difficult because we are bombarded with images of hate and violence everyday on the news, in the papers, online, anywhere! While I don't have children, I understand the power love can have over a person. It helps me get out of bed and remain optimistic! Now if only, once we're out of bed, we can convince the media to bombard us with images of love and happiness, we would be all set!

Thanks again A., and I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend! What are your favorite things to love? It doesn't have to be just people, chocolate, dogs, and magazines all count!

Hope to hear from you soon!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy Fourth!

Hello Everyone!

I'm sorry I've been M.I.A. again! My birthday was on Friday and I spent Thursday and Friday celebrating! And then of course, I worked all day and night Saturday and yesterday was 4th of July here in the US. I had really wanted to post this postcard yesterday but I went to fireworks with friends (fireworks that never actually went off) and then didn't get home until I was absolutely exhausted. So I hope everyone, both in the US and elsewhere, had a happy 4th!

The reason I had wanted to post this card yesterday is because it is patriotic. Both the picture on the front and words on the back moved me.

Here is the text on the back of the card:
I had held onto this card for a long time, I thought about just keeping it but I think out of all the cards I have, this best represents love. A lot of friends and family have served in the military, and I think to possibly sacrifice your life is true love for your country, it's ideals, and your family. Whether you agree with any war or not, it's important to recognize and appreciate the efforts of our soldiers.

Whether you are a citizen of the United States or not, we can all appreciate that soldiers, from here or abroad, are important and should be honored, regardless of where you stand politically. While I don't always agree with whatever is going on politically, having friends and family who have served in both Afghanistan and Iraq, you can bet all the money you have that I support our troops and I support their getting home as quickly and safely as possible.

B., thank you so much for reminding all of us the importance of supporting our troops, and reminding us that we should all love our country as much as they do. While patriotic holidays like the 4th remind us of this, we should try harder to honor our troops and patriotic ideals all year round.

Thanks again B. for your card and your words! I will have another postcard up in the near future.

Until next time,

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Postcard Number Six!

Hello Everybody!

I hope you are all surviving the heat! It's cooled off here a bit, thank goodness! I have received not one, not two, but THREE more (relevant) postcards! Plus a letter from a pen pal and an additional postcard that was not for this project! I just love getting mail and yesterday, it was all for me! Anyways, just in case I hit a slump sometime, I will still only be posting one postcard an entry. And I will try to blog everyday but, we all know how life goes. Sometimes, there are more important things than blogging. Not very often, but sometimes, it just happens!

In addition to the many pieces of mail I received yesterday (besides the exciting letters and such I received two credit card offers which I will be declining and bathing suits from Target and a free gym bag for signing up for a magazine!), I also purchased international stamps. Not that this is really relevant to this blog but since they are stamps I thought it would be appropriate to share! I was visiting my post office everyday after the gym and I do believe they thought I was insane, mailing so many postcards. At least now I can mail them secretly without them knowing.

But now, the text on the postcard, the reason you are all here!

The back of the card says:
I think love is when you can just "be" with another person. Silence is easy and you are comfortable with yourself.

Thank you so much M.! I can't agree with you more. Some of my favorite "happy peaceful" moments are when my boyfriend and I are in the car, just being and driving. There's no need for words, we are just content with the silence.

Also, thank you for sending this particular postcard. I was trying to think of the name of these flowers the other day and couldn't come up with it for the life of me! I think they are very pretty, we also have them in Rhode Island!

What are your favorite moments with your loved ones? Favorite flowers? Leave a comment and let me know! I would just love to read some reader comments!

Thanks again M.!

Monday, June 28, 2010

A Love Poem

Hello everybody!

I hope everyone had a nice weekend! It was extremely hot where I live but I'm sure it was cooler elsewhere in the world, perhaps even enjoyable! Today, all I wanted to do was jump into my pool but unfortunately, the UPS man never brought my bathing suits! Although Target's package tracker assures me that they are in transit. Hopefully they will come tomorrow, I have a beach date soon! Perhaps the UPS man is in cahoots with my mail man and together, they are hoarding my letter and packages to drive me crazy. Who knows!

Here is the postcard I was talking about yesterday. It's from N. in New York! A bit closer to home than my other postcards! Hopefully there are some more in my mailbox today, I haven't gotten a chance to look yet! Or maybe a pen pal letter! Is this too much to ask?

Anyways, here is the text on the card:
I cry your mercy-pity-love! Aye, love! Merciful love that tantalizes not, one-thoughted, never-wandering, guideless love, unmasked, and being seen-without a blot! O! Let me have thee whole, all-all be mine! That shape, that fairness, that sweet minor zest of love, your kiss, those hands, those eyes divine, that warm, lucent, million-pleasured breast yourself-your soul-in pity give me all, withhold no atom's atom or I die, or living on perhaps, your wretched thrall, forget, in the mist of idle misery. -John Keats

Oh how I love a good poem, especially one about love. I am not going to interpret for you, I know you are all capable of that yourself. I will tell you however, that my favorite line is "Withhold no atom's atom or I die...". I think that is a gorgeous line. As for the postcard, this is definitely a favorite of mine! At first I was confused when I opened the mailbox, I thought someone had stuck a package of stickers in with my mail when I looked quickly. But after I did a double take, I realized how adorable and true the words are. I just think it is so adorable. Thanks so much N.!

That's it for tonight folks, I am tired. Hopefully I will have something new to post tomorrow! Until then, feel free to share your favorite love quotes. I am a huge sucker for quotes. I just love them, all of them!

Can't wait to hear from you!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Love from Finland

Hello Everybody!

I'm so sorry that I've been M.I.A. for a few days now, I was terribly busy bartending this weekend! I have two postcards to share as of today! I will only share this one for now!

This lovely card is from M. in Finland. The text says:

Love is such a big thing that it is difficult to describe in a little card.

M., I totally agree. Love is indescribable anyways, authors have spent centuries trying to define love, filled volumes after volumes with love poems and still, no words seem to match the emotions one feels when in love. Thank you so much for your card and your words!

That's it for tonight everyone, I'm exhausted! Check back tomorrow night for another postcard!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Quick Post!

Hello Everybody!

I have been and will be extremely busy for a few days. I am hoping to have the latest postcard posted by tomorrow night! Check back here tomorrow!

Can't wait to hear from you all!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Postcard Number Three!

Hello everybody!

Unfortunately, I did not receive any postcards today :( But tomorrow is another day! This is why I am happy that I did not add this postcard yesterday, but waited until today instead.

Some more life updates...hmm...I am still waiting to hear back from ALL of my pen pals and for about 8 or so postcrossers! Come on people, I'm getting verrrrry impatient! In addition, Marisa, you made me very happy when you commented as you are the first one to comment! Ever! So thank you for that!

Now, for the text on the postcard:
Love is when you want to be with someone all days of the week and when your heart beat race even if you only think about him or her.

Thank you C. for your postcard! I absolutely love maps like that, they are so adorable! I also think that your words are very true. One of the best feelings is what happens when you are thinking about the person you love and getting butterflies in your tummy or feeling your pulse beat faster. I remember that happening all the time at the beginning of my relationship and two and a half years in, I still feel like that very often!

I am hoping to get another postcard in tomorrow! Otherwise, you all will just have to listen to me rant about my mail man (or lady, I haven't seen the person delivering my mail in so long I forget now) or about the new postcards I will inevitably buy at Ocean State Job Lot tomorrow (10 for a buck is just too good a deal to turn down!).

Thanks Again C.! Let's all hope for another tomorrow!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

More Postcards!

Hello everyone!

I got TWO postcards today! That's right, not one but TWO! I was so excited, especially since the postcards were the only thing in the mailbox! No catalogs, no nothing! Just my postcards! It made me a very happy girl!

As happy as I am, I am only going to show you one today! This is especially important because the postcrossing number is incorrect. U., if you are reading this, I can't register my postcard! Please either message me through postcrossing.com or e-mail me through the blog link for the right number!

I am also happy to inform you that I fixed the problem I had with my blog posting the pictures the other day! Hopefully it doesn't happen again! Therefore, the posts that were hastily put together in order to showcase the postcard are now gone! As you can all probably see!

Without further ado, here is the text on the postcard (I am only writing the part relevant to the project!):

Love is: Your significant other will love you, even if you look a mess!!

That is so true! I got my wisdom teeth out about a year ago. I am the biggest baby in the world when it comes to being sick, feeling funny, being hurt. Any of the above and I can no longer help myself. Anyways, my boyfriend came over and I was A MESS! He fed me chocolate milkshake (which I proceeded to get all over my face even though at the time he told me I did not have milkshake all over myself) and watched crappy movies with me (even though I would fall asleep every 5 seconds from the drugs I was on) and he even suffered through my horribly disgusting breath (which he told me about months later). If that isn't love, I don't know what is!

Thanks so much U., not only for your words but for your postcard as well! I love the scenery! If you're reading this, please comment, message me, or e-mail me with the registration code!

Until tomorrow, when I can promise you another postcard!

I was just e-mailed from postcrossing and they ID'd the postcard for me! It is registered on the website as of a minute ago!

Monday, June 21, 2010


Hello everybody!

Exciting news! I received a postcard from Finland today! And not just any old postcard, THE FIRST POSTCARD FOR THE PROJECT! And better yet, it WAS sitting in the mailbox all weekend, just like I had thought it might be yesterday when I posted! I had almost given up hope but my excitement is renewed! Here is the postcard, in the flesh!

I got over excited. I'm trying to figure out how to convert the scanned pdf. of the postcard into a jpg. file. I think I've done it and now I am waiting for the file to be converted. Please stand by!

While we wait, let me type the text out for everyone, as it can be a bit hard to read on the screen. I will be editing this and all postcards to make sure they are understandable to everyone!:

Dear Jillian! Love is a dignified thing in the human life. You can love other human beings, animals, nature. It's the meaning of life. Without love, humanity couldn't exist. It's the bridge between people. It's a warm and pure feeling. It's essential! Dear Greetings, A.

Thank you so much A! Congrats on being the first postcard! It is not only a beautiful postcard, but you wrote beautiful words as well! I agree so completely with the idea that love is the bridge between people. I think that is a beautiful thought.

Comments are welcome, but please keep them positive. All negative or derogatory comments will be deleted. But I know you all are too nice for that! The postcard picture will be uploaded shortly everyone! Sorry I jumped the gun and posted without figuring all of my technology out. I am just so excited!

Thank you again A!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day Thirteen...And I've Still Got Nothing!

Hello everyone!

It is day 13 and I still have yet to receive a postcard or letter, for the project or otherwise! I am getting beyond impatient, whatever that possibly could be! I am very excited for the first postcard to come. Perhaps tomorrow. After all there is not any mail on Sundays. For all I know there could be a postcard in the mailbox right now. I'm not sure if anyone checked the mail yesterday! But it is far too dark out and scary wild creatures will be sure to eat me if I go outside now. I will check first thing in the morning!

Also in the morning I have to send out some more postcards and letters. Well, I have decided to only send out one a day, that way I'm only spending a dollar a day rather than 5 dollars a day. I'm trying to pace myself here, this is still exciting and new but a bit costly! All my tip money will be going towards postage!

Wish Me Luck! Or better yet send me a postcard already!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

If I Only Had A Postcard

Hello everyone!

It has been over a week since this project has started. I am growing EXTREMELY impatient! I keep checking the mailbox, hoping for a postcard or a response from one of my pen pals. But I have gotten nothing yet! I wish that I had something to upload and share with all of you but unfortunately, I have nothing.

On the bright side, I have gotten many messages from people who find the project interesting. That is the only thing keeping me optimistic! Please, tell your friends, your family, your post offices, anyone who would be interested! I am hoping for a flood of postcards! I want my mailbox to be overflowing with postcards from around the world! I want my mother to give me strange looks as I get postcards in languages that I cannot understand! And I would like them soon! Tomorrow is another day, I will hopefully remain optimistic until then!

Can't wait to hear from all of you!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Still Waiting

Hello All!

I am still waiting on my first postcard! I keep sending them out but haven't gotten any back yet. Hopefully I will receive some soon. I have also sent out many letters to people I met on interpals.com that are hopefully going to be my pen pals. I have yet to hear anything from them.

I bought more postcards today. I just couldn't resist, at 10 for $1, how can you go wrong?

I promise this blog will get more interesting when I have actual postcards to blog about.

Until Tomorrow when I hopefully have a postcard to post!

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Hello everyone!

Finally, one of my postcards arrived at it's destination! I was beginning to think my mailman was hoarding them in his basement or something! And a bonus, my first recipient is interested in the project (L if you're reading this, this is you!).

Besides that, not much else new to report. I put all 2 of my addresses in the address book. I felt as though I had so many more. If anyone would like a snail mail pal, e-mail me! If anyone is reading this that is! I need to fill my address book with addresses!

If I'm this excited over my address book, imagine how excited I'll be when I get a postcard back! I'm sorry this post is short, I'm exhausted and just had to share the news!

Until...tomorrow, most likely!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Day Five...Nothing yet!

Hello Everyone!

Not much new to report here. I have some snail mail pen pals now. I am excited to hear back from them after all of the letters I've sent lately! It will be nice to hear from someone! I am still checking postcrossing.com to see if anyone has received my postcards about...every 10 seconds. The waiting is killing me! I am sure I will survive though.

On the address book front, I found one! And it's CUTE! Here's the link:

So now, I will be busy putting my addresses in the address book hopefully all day!

I will keep you all posted (Haha get it...because it's the Post Project...I thought it was funny anyways).

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day Four...Still Waiting

Hello everyone!

I have sent out postcards and have yet to receive any back. Granted, I sent them out 2 days ago. I understand that sending things overseas takes a while but COME ON! I guess this is the problem with our generation. To quote The Black Eyed Peas..."I WANT IT NOW".

My growing impatience aside, not much new has happened with the project. I don't even think anyone is reading my posts. Hello? Anyone out there? Leave a comment or e-mail me if you are reading this! PLEASE! I won't be holding my breath anytime soon.

I hope I don't get any really mean postcards. That would be awful. I know I'm bound to get a few. And even those will be posted. Of course all postcards remain anonymous unless you wish to be identified. So if you really want to be mean, then I suppose you could be. But it would make me really sad.

Also, on the address book front. No one has address books ANYWHERE! Not CVS. Not Stop & Shop. Not A.C.Moore (not that they ever have anything I need). Not Christmas Tree Shop...NO WHERE! So I decided I have to go to Barnes and Noble. Which is one of my favorite places. I love being surrounded by so many stories that I don't yet know about. Plus the books smell so nice. But I know that they will have address books and even though they will not be the prettiest, I will buy one and I will post a picture of it on my next blog post because it will keep me busy and distract me from clicking on postcrossing.com every 10 seconds to see if anyone has received my postcard!

Enough with the boring space killers...I will talk to all of you tomorrow unless something urgent happens!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day Three

Hello everyone!

I created an e-mail address for the project. postcardlovin@gmail.com ! Send any inquiries about the project there and I will respond back when I get a chance. I haven't received any postcards yet. Actually, my postcards still haven't made it to their destinations yet. I did send them yesterday though, it takes time to get to Europe...which is very bad because I am extremely impatient!

I also wrote to my first pen pal today! She seems very nice, I hope to mail her letter out this afternoon! I am also on the lookout for an address book. To keep in touch with all of the many people I hope to meet from around the world! I looked at 2 different stores yesterday and no one had one! "Whatever happened to the old romantic days of letter sending and little black books?" says the girl blogging on internet using a laptop resting her feet on a printer and sitting in front of a flat screen TV.

I am also considering getting a P.O. Box. I have to look into it more though. I think it would be a good investment. If only I knew how to pay for it! I am getting more and more excited about this project! I sure hope it takes off!

Please contact me for an address to send a postcard to!

Until next time!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Project Officially Begins...Now

Hello everyone!
I have officially written 5 postcards and will be sending them out shortly. I got those addresses from postcrossing.com. Which I am now obsessed with. I also have found snail mail pals on interpals.net. Which I'm also excited about because now I can write letters to people and buy more stationary! Anyways, so far, the project is going slow but it has been less than 24 hours since the conception of the idea. Snail mail takes a while!

So here is my idea for how this little project of mine will work.

I will upload the postcards to the blog and write about them. And then I will keep them in an album of some sorts.

That's as far as I've gotten. You all are just as in the dark as this as I am. But don't worry, my faithful readers, who are as of right now not aware that you are going to faithfully read my blog one day, I will let you know what's going on as soon as I figure it out. Who knows, no one may be interested in what I'm doing. But I think they will be.

Until later, tomorrow, or whenever something semi-interesting happens,

Monday, June 7, 2010

Post Mission

Hello all!
Inspired by...Julie and Julia (yes, the movie) I have decided to start a blog. About what you ask? Well, starting today, I am setting out on a mission to get postcards from around the world with the sender's idea of love. I haven't started this endeavor yet, I just conceived the idea this morning HOWEVER, I am extremely optimistic. I will be starting an account on interpals.net and hopefully connecting with people from across the world that can help me get my postcards! And definitions of love!
Wish Me Luck,

UPDATE: I have joined postcrossing.com as a way to connect with other postcard senders! Forgive my lingo everyone, I'm new to this!