Monday, August 30, 2010

Happy Monday!

Hello everyone!

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend! I certainly did, although it was a bit warm out (if 90 can be considered "a bit warm"). I am all settled in up in Boston, I love my view from my room! My desk overlooks the street and I can easily people watch on those walking below. I feel very artsy/college-y/intelligent for some reason, perhaps it has to do with my 19 (!!!) school books perched above my desk or my many postcards posted on the bulletin board underneath the books. Perhaps worldy is the word I am looking for.

Anyways, I know you're not all here to read my gibber jabber all day long. This postcard comes from V. in Russia. The text reads as follows:

For me, love is: when there are not limits, when there is no doubt, when there is no prohibition. Only respect, and what makes you happy! In Russia, there is a saying: love of evil-will love goat (haha). It means that love is blind.

Thank you so much V. for your postcard! I love the Russian saying :) I wish more people would consider love as blind. Love should be blind, blind to race, gender, social class, nationality.

I'm going to leave you all with that for today. Feel free to comment with your favorite saying or quote about love, or anything else you feel is relevant!

Have an awesome week!

Monday, August 23, 2010

It is Actually Monday Today!

Hello Everybody!

I hope you are all proud of me. It's Monday and I am writing to you! I know, impressive. Especially more so since I am in the midst of packing to leave for school on Wednesday! I hope everyone is well and I hope you will start telling your friends about this blog! I'm running low on postcards everyone!

Anyways, since I AM supposed to be packing, I'm going to keep this relatively short. This postcard comes from P. in Taiwan. The text reads as follows:

Love has no fixed meaning, but to me, you smile when you think of someone you love; you cry when someone does something that touches your heart; you can break down in front of him/her/them because you trust him/her/them.

Thank you so much P.! I especially like this idea because sometimes we forget about the love that we can spread just by doing something kind for someone else. The love you feel when someone does something that touches your heart is very important. I think that is what most of the world's love is comprised of, that sort of love for the entire human race.

Your homework for the week (Come on, September is rapidly approaching so you're all getting homework): do something that will touch someone's heart this week. Pretty pretty please. And if you'd like, post your good deed in the comments section. Something that would touch my heart, following me on twitter :)

That's it for today folks! I will see you all next Monday (procrastination willing)!


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It's Wednesday...Haha

Hello everybody!

I know I's Wednesday. Time has once again gotten away from me. I was extremely stressed out/upset this weekend/until yesterday because my boyfriend went to The Gathering of the Juggalos (probably didn't spell that write but I don't want to google it and be reminded of all of the illegal activities that go on there) and got a tattoo and didn't talk to me all weekend...not a real excuse but that's mine anyways. But he is home now, we have sufficiently talked about it, I am no longer ready to kill him and all is well in the world of Jill. I hope everything is good in the world of all of you also! Tell me about your weekend/beginning of your weeks!

Now, before I unveil today's postcard, I would also like to inform you all that you can now follow me on Twitter! I'm not really sure how Twitter works...I know I know...I probably should seeing as I am a child of the technological age blah blah blah. But regardless, leave me plenty of your twitter tips please and thank you! Oh and my screen name or whatever it is called is Postcard Lovin. Like the e-mail address. So just head on over and follow me! Also follow me on here! Ok...that's enough demands for one day.

Now, the moment we've all been waiting for...the postcard. This gorgeous postcard is from K. in The Netherlands! The text on the back reads as follows:
Love is like a wave, it can catch you by surprise and totally sweep you off your feet!

Some of the best kinds of love sweep you totally off your feet! And if I've learned anything lately, love can definitely catch you by surprise. Thanks again K.!

Please feel free to share your thoughts or experiences about love catching you by surprise, or a time when you were totally swept off your feet by Prince (or Princess) Charming. Really...please. I love comments. And I almost never get them!

Until hopefully Monday but I am no longer making any promises!

Friday, August 13, 2010

It's Friday!

Hello Everybody!

I know what you're all thinking: Jill it is Friday. You said all posts were coming on Monday's from now on. You suck and you're terrible at keeping a schedule.

Go ahead and think all of that for a moment, be mad, it's ok. Now, my excuse: I'm sorry everyone! I was on vacation and didn't have access to my postcards for a whole week! I have finally unpacked and am ready to go now!

That's really what happened! I didn't forget about all of you don't worry! And I didn't post that I would be gone because my address is floating around on here...I don't need anyone robbing my house! Anyways, for those of you who have forgiven me and are wondering how my trip was, it was awesome! I went to Walt Disney World (my favorite place EVER) and so of course I had fun! Of course it was exhausting and overstimulating but that's ok.

Anyways, enough with my rambling! It is now time for the postcard! This one comes from C. in France! The text reads as follows:
Love is what drives me, what inspires me. My boyfriend says: to him, love is me :)

Thank you C., and your boyfriend too! It seems like you are very lucky to have him, he has his head on straight! Of course he is probably far luckier to have you, seeing as you sent such an adorable card! As for your words, I wish love would drive more people in the world!

I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend and I am going to try my hardest not to go on vacation again Monday!

Thanks again C.!

Monday, August 2, 2010

It's Monday!

Hello Everyone!

Isn't this a great way to finish off a Monday? I knew I chose Monday for a reason. As promised, I am back with some more love, this time from Germany! My week went by smoothly, I went to Boston for a day, ate a lot of Olive Garden pasta, you know...the usual. As generic and lame as Olive Garden is, their food isn't half bad, it's cheap, and I love the breadsticks. So I continue to go back! Who else loves Olive Garden out there? I know you exist, somewhere.

Back to the postcard project! I am pleasantly surprised at the amount of cards coming in, they are steady! Not overwhelming though thank goodness! I already have a card lined up for next week which is great! But now, for the text on the back of this lovely card from F. in Germany!

The text is as follows:
Love means to me:
-that I want to spend my life with this person
-an enrichment for myself
-the most beautiful but simultaneously complicated thing in the world

Thank you F.! I love the flowers on the front of this card! You bring up a good point, the person you plan on spending the rest of your life with needs to bring some sort of enriching aspect to the table! Although I suppose that is why you fall in love in the first place! And as for love being complicated...well I don't think complicated even begins to describe the emotion of love! We can all keep trying though!

I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend and has a great week ahead of them! Did you do anything love filled this weekend? My boyfriend and I went out to breakfast on Sunday morning and then for a walk in the park. That's my idea of a perfect Sunday morning! Please leave a comment or two to let me know someone is actually reading this!

Have an awesome week and thanks again F.!