Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Australian Love!

Hello Everybody!

I'm finally back...for now! I've been busy working hard, studying hard, and reading hard. Unfortunately that meant my blog had to take a back seat. But I accidentally set my alarm for 7 instead of 7:30 this morning so I had a half hour to myself to blog! Now you might be saying, well why don't you wake up EVERY day a 1/2 hour early and blog. Well, my friends, that is a good idea in theory. But I don't get nearly as much sleep as is and don't need to take much more away! So I decided that I will just blog whenever I have time from now on. On the bright side, I have a stockpile of postcards just waiting to be discussed and I will share one of them now!

This card comes from T. in Australia! The text on the back says:

Love is friendship, set on fire!

Thank you T.! I really enjoy that idea of love! Thank you for sharing!

That's all I have for today folks, feel free to add your own comments below, I love looking at them!! I would write some more but I am going to be late for Child Development lecture. I'll blog again soon!

Have an awesome rest of September!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Busy Busy Busy!

Hey Everybody!

I hope you're all having a great week! I'm sorry I couldn't post sooner, school has been so hectic! Forgive me if the posts are sporadically strewn throughout the week for the next month or so, I'm trying to settle into a new schedule. But I'm really enjoying my classes and all of the extra-curriculars I'm doing and such! And just seeing all my friends again is great!

But to the point before another paper/reading assignment/presentation comes up! This fantastic postcard comes from Vietnam! I thought it was extra special just because it was from Vietnam, especially since Vietnam isn't very prominent on postcrossing! I feel like I used Vietnam way too much in this paragraph...ANYWAYS. This is what the text says about love:

Love means giving and sharing to me. Love comes in many shapes and forms and it really exists! I hope you'll have lots of love coming from all over the world!! :)

Thank you C.! I'm glad you think that love exists! Some people don't and that is just so sad to me. I also love that you include the idea of giving and sharing, that is just such an important aspect of love. It is an often overlooked aspect of love.

Thank you so much again! I hope everyone has a great weekend! Feel free to share your favorite community service activity in the comments! Showing love for my fellow humans through service is one of my favorite activities, next to snuggling of course!

Love and Hugs!

Monday, September 13, 2010


Hey everyone!

I just wanted to let you know that I am having a very busy Monday but I promise that I will upload a postcard very soon (tomorrow or Wednesday). I hope you all forgive me!

You will hear from me soon!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Love From Finland

Hello everybody!

I hope your weeks/weekends were all good! I had a great holiday weekend, made even better by the cooling off of New England! For a few days there, I was going outside in the 90+ degree heat for relief. But now it is much cooler and my roommates and I can sleep comfortably! Because I have to wake up VERY early tomorrow for classes and have spent the day studying therefore did not have time for blogging (although it is still Monday my friends!) I am going to jump right into the postcard!

This adorable card comes from S. in Finland! The text reads as follows:

For me, love is not an emotion but a way to behave. I can show love though I don't feel loving feelings at the moment. Love is recognizing that we are all brothers and sisters and that harming one of us will affect us all.

Thank you S. for your words of wisdom! This is what I've been preaching the last couple of weeks and your words sum it up fantastically! This week, why don't we all try to show some love, to ourselves, to our families and friends, to strangers, and to mother nature. That means no insults (even lovingly), no littering, and please, hold the door for that mother carrying three children, two diaper bags and a latte (although I know you all already would!)! Feel free to post all of your good deeds if you'd like praise for them, or keep them to yourselves and cherish the happiness that comes with helping others in private.

I can't wait to hear from you all! Have a great week and I hope you had a great Labor Day Weekend those of you in the US!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Happy Monday!

Hello everyone!

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend! I certainly did, although it was a bit warm out (if 90 can be considered "a bit warm"). I am all settled in up in Boston, I love my view from my room! My desk overlooks the street and I can easily people watch on those walking below. I feel very artsy/college-y/intelligent for some reason, perhaps it has to do with my 19 (!!!) school books perched above my desk or my many postcards posted on the bulletin board underneath the books. Perhaps worldy is the word I am looking for.

Anyways, I know you're not all here to read my gibber jabber all day long. This postcard comes from V. in Russia. The text reads as follows:

For me, love is: when there are not limits, when there is no doubt, when there is no prohibition. Only respect, and what makes you happy! In Russia, there is a saying: love of evil-will love goat (haha). It means that love is blind.

Thank you so much V. for your postcard! I love the Russian saying :) I wish more people would consider love as blind. Love should be blind, blind to race, gender, social class, nationality.

I'm going to leave you all with that for today. Feel free to comment with your favorite saying or quote about love, or anything else you feel is relevant!

Have an awesome week!

Monday, August 23, 2010

It is Actually Monday Today!

Hello Everybody!

I hope you are all proud of me. It's Monday and I am writing to you! I know, impressive. Especially more so since I am in the midst of packing to leave for school on Wednesday! I hope everyone is well and I hope you will start telling your friends about this blog! I'm running low on postcards everyone!

Anyways, since I AM supposed to be packing, I'm going to keep this relatively short. This postcard comes from P. in Taiwan. The text reads as follows:

Love has no fixed meaning, but to me, you smile when you think of someone you love; you cry when someone does something that touches your heart; you can break down in front of him/her/them because you trust him/her/them.

Thank you so much P.! I especially like this idea because sometimes we forget about the love that we can spread just by doing something kind for someone else. The love you feel when someone does something that touches your heart is very important. I think that is what most of the world's love is comprised of, that sort of love for the entire human race.

Your homework for the week (Come on, September is rapidly approaching so you're all getting homework): do something that will touch someone's heart this week. Pretty pretty please. And if you'd like, post your good deed in the comments section. Something that would touch my heart, following me on twitter :)

That's it for today folks! I will see you all next Monday (procrastination willing)!


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It's Wednesday...Haha

Hello everybody!

I know I know...it's Wednesday. Time has once again gotten away from me. I was extremely stressed out/upset this weekend/until yesterday because my boyfriend went to The Gathering of the Juggalos (probably didn't spell that write but I don't want to google it and be reminded of all of the illegal activities that go on there) and got a tattoo and didn't talk to me all weekend...not a real excuse but that's mine anyways. But he is home now, we have sufficiently talked about it, I am no longer ready to kill him and all is well in the world of Jill. I hope everything is good in the world of all of you also! Tell me about your weekend/beginning of your weeks!

Now, before I unveil today's postcard, I would also like to inform you all that you can now follow me on Twitter! I'm not really sure how Twitter works...I know I know...I probably should seeing as I am a child of the technological age blah blah blah. But regardless, leave me plenty of your twitter tips please and thank you! Oh and my screen name or whatever it is called is Postcard Lovin. Like the e-mail address. So just head on over and follow me! Also follow me on here! Ok...that's enough demands for one day.

Now, the moment we've all been waiting for...the postcard. This gorgeous postcard is from K. in The Netherlands! The text on the back reads as follows:
Love is like a wave, it can catch you by surprise and totally sweep you off your feet!

Some of the best kinds of love sweep you totally off your feet! And if I've learned anything lately, love can definitely catch you by surprise. Thanks again K.!

Please feel free to share your thoughts or experiences about love catching you by surprise, or a time when you were totally swept off your feet by Prince (or Princess) Charming. Really...please. I love comments. And I almost never get them!

Until hopefully Monday but I am no longer making any promises!